Vienna - How the city of ideas created the modern world by Richard Cockett

Freedom of movement in the empire

The Emperor of Austria-Hungary insisted on freedom of movement of people within the Empire. This allowed large numbers of people to move from the east of the country to the city of Vienna and its suburbs. This is a simple case of allowing people to move from places of low productivity to places of high. I wonder what the impact was the places that experienced this talent drain?


This was the culture of self improvement over amassing money and property. The Vienniese had strong focus on the value of education and learning. The extended to science, the arts and many other ares.

Ringstrasse and the surrounding wealthy areas had may amatuer scientists and zoologists. Large numbers of animals and plants kept in apartments.

  • City of Music. Mahler, Schoenberg and Alban Berg.
  • Art and literature. Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and Kolomon Moser.
  • Psychoanalysis. Freud.
  • Philosophy. Popper, Wittgenstein.
  • Physics. Schrödinger.
  • Architecture. Adolf Loos.

Red Vienna

This was the socialist and communist leanings of many in Vienna - reflecting much of Europe's interest in Communism in the inter war years.

Black Vienna

Populist groups in opposition to the socialists of Red Vienna. The nurturing ground for Hitler.


The Nazis Annexed Austria in 1938, an event known as the Anschluss, and began the persecution and purging of jews. This marked the end of the open, enlightened Viennese.

Influence in America

Vinnese emígrés were a big influence in America - in Architecture and the arts as well as being founders of the ideas of consumer science. The focus group is essentially one of their inventions.

Influence in the UK

Viennese émigrés also had notable influence in the UK, particularly in fields such as architecture, music, and psychoanalysis.

The Austrian School

The Austrian School of Economics is a libertarian school advocating for small government and private property.

